A2 - A282 Viaducts

From SteelConstruction.info
               A2-A282 Dartford.jpg

This major road improvement scheme alleviates congestion on the A2 / A282 intersection in North Kent includes four new major steel bridges. The nature of the junction is such that access for future maintenance would be very difficult, which was the prime reason for selecting weathering steel for the bridges. The low maintenance characteristics of the material offered environmental and health & safety benefits, as well as minimizing future disruption to road users, and the whole life cost of the improvement scheme. With a total of 4000 tonnes, this project represents one of the largest uses of weathering steel in the UK to date.

Structural Engineer - Jacobs
Steelwork Contractor - Mabey Bridge Ltd.
Main Contractor - Costain
Client - Highways Agency

Clickhere for more details of this project.

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