Introduction to EC3 quiz


Please answer the following 10 multiple choice questions, then click 'submit' to check the result. The pass mark for a CPD certificate is 8 out of 10, and you may retake the quiz as many times as you wish, but the questions will vary! Please note that one, two, three or all of the possible answers presented for each question may be right, and to gain a mark for that question all correct answers must be identified.

Good luck

Introduction to EC3

When calculating the buckling resistance of a member what is the value of the partial factor, γM1 specified in the UK National Annex?


When might the typical 25% increase in LTB resistance (EC3, compared to BS 5950) be of particular value?

When the design is governed by deflection
In composite construction
When floor dynamics is a critical check
All other cases

When can the Eurocodes be used?

When Approved Document A in the Building Regulations is revised
Only when the client specifies design to the Eurocodes
Only for projects outside the UK

When determining ULS loads to the Eurocodes, which statements are true?

Wind loads are likely to increase, compared to previous British Standards
Gravity loads are likely to increase, compared to previous British Standards
Calculations using 6.10 will be conservative, compared to the use of both 6.10a and 6.10b
The UK NA simply adopts the recommended values for load factors and combination factors

What best describes a 'destabilising' load?

One applied between restraints
A load applied to the top flange
A load which is free to move laterally with the buckling flange
A non-vertical load, with a lateral component

Having calculated the non-dimensional slenderness, how might the reduction factor, χ be determined?

Using the expressions given in EN 1993
Using the figure given in EN 1993
Using look-up tables in NCCI
Using look-up tables in EN 1993

Which country's National Annex should be used?

No NA is needed if the recommended values are chosen
The NA for the country where design is carried out
The NA for the country where construction is to be carried out
The choice of NA should be specified by the client

Which of the following statements about columns in 'simple construction' are correct?

Only open sections (UKC) can be used
Design moments in the columns are based on nominal eccentricities
Beams are designed as simply supported
The approach cannot be used in Eurocode design

In flexural buckling, what non-dimensional slenderness is approximately equivalent to a slenderness L/ryy = 200?


Must all connections be classified by calculation?

No, classification by experience of satisfactory performance is permitted
Only for elastic design
Only for plastic design
Only if being used outside the UK